Florey's Books welcomes local author Jean Bartlett as she signs her children's book "IndiAsia and the Dragon" to benefit the Books For Asia program.
***Saturday, October 15th, 2-5pm***
The 501(c)(3) organization Books for Asia , has decided they want 1200 copies of Jean Bartlett's book "IndiAsia and the Dragon." Books for Asia delivers books like "Peter Rabbit" and "Goodnight Moon" to children who have never had their own book, in 18 countries throughout Asia . Normally, books are donated to Books for Asia through such organizations or Foundations as Barnes & Noble or the Pearson Foundation. However, Jean’s book, privately published, is not available through those channels. (This remaining book stock, still in original packaging, is housed by Jean.)
So on Saturday, October 15, from 2 p.m to 5 p.m., Jean will be at Florey's Books in Pacifica, and the general public is being asked both to spread the word, and to purchase copies of "IndiAsia and the Dragon", which will be donated to Books for Asia . The result, a child in Asia receives a book about a beautiful dragon who befriends a young girl and both their lives are changed, in a positive way, forever. (The book, which received a Mentoring Award from Big Brothers Big Sisters of the San Francisco Bay Area, is the first and only recipient of any award from BBBS.) Other benefits of buying a book, the buyer receives a tax write-off and each book purchased gives a helping boost to Florey's Books at 2120 Palmetto, Pacifica as well as to one of your favorite starving writers (!!). Spread the word!
For more on Jean and her book, please visit her site:
About Books For Asia:
For more than fifty years, Books for Asia has been one of The Asia Foundation's best-known and most beloved programs. We have sent over 45 million books, software programs, and other education material to a wide range of learning institutions since 1954. Our donations help enhance English-language skills, sharpen vocational and research skills, build knowledge in the business, legal, and science professions, and infuse children with an early love of reading that is critical to literacy.
For more about the Books for Asia program, visit their site:
For more about the event, see the coverage in the Pacifica Tribune:
***Saturday, October 15th, 2-5pm***
We hope to see you!
Florey's Book Co.
2120 Palmetto Ave.
Pacifica, CA 94044
(650) 355-8811
Open 10am to 6pm every day!