Florey's welcomes you to our discussion group!
***Thursday, August 24th, 7:30pm-9:00pm***
We will be meeting to discuss the topic: Beauty and the Eye of the Beholder.
From Nico:
Good Evening Everyone!
Once again, this topic is pretty open ended. Our hustle and bustle lifestyles really limit us from hitting the pause button to appreciate the beauty in art, people, or even the environment. The funny thing about beauty, is that it's also subjective, so what's beautiful to me, may be butt ugly to you.
And that's where the Local Forum comes in. For this meeting, let's get a chance to share stories on what we find beautiful in life, and maybe in turn, find out new beautiful things we should seek out.
Questions to consider
- what's your preferred medium of art? (Music, written word, pictures)
- what's one thing that just doesn't seem that appealing to you.
- can anything really be objectively beautiful or ugly?
Here is a link to a short video on the subject: https://youtu.be/wCEJHxd7KTw
We hope to see you!
Local Forum
***Thursday, August 24th, 7:30-9:00pm***
Florey’s Book Company
2120 Palmetto Avenue
Pacifica, CA 94044
(650) 355-8811
Open 10 am to 6 pm every day! (8 pm Fridays)