Florey's Book Co. is a family-owned independent bookstore located in Pacifica, CA. In business since 1977, we stock a wide variety of books for all ages and interests. We also have a section of used books . Come visit us! Your phone or email orders are welcome. Our hours are 10am-6pm, every day, until 8pm Fridays! Florey's Book Co. 2120 Palmetto Ave. Pacifica, CA 94044 (650) 355-8811 FloreysBookCo@yahoo.com
Sunday, April 01, 2012
Ultrasound Bone Density Testing, April 7th at Florey's
Florey's welcomes Dr. Ken Howayeck and Sharon Caren as they offer Ultrasound Bone Density Testing at Florey's.
***Saturday, April 7th, 1-3pm***
A fee of $20 per test is requested by Dr. Howayeck.
From Sharon:
Ultrasound Bone Density Testing (UBDT) May Save Your Life
7 of 10 people who have Osteoporosis don’t know it. This problem must be rectified by education and public awareness. Early detection is the key. A simplified scanning process, effective, affordable and available to everyone who wants it, is a great way to start turning around those numbers.
The DXA scan is the most commonly used device to directly assess bone density, which in turn assesses your resistance to fracture. I had my first DXA (Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) scan in 2004 ordered by my gynecologist and was diagnosed with severe osteopenia (-2.5 T-score). The T-score is a comparison of a patient’s bone material density to that of a healthy thirty-year-old of the same sex and ethnicity.
I retested in 2006 and 2010 with a -2.2 T-score that shows an increase in density of .3 using nutritional supplements and exercise. Yes, it can be done. I’m looking forward to a UBDT test to see where I am in 2012!
To have a DXA scan your doctor must order it, your insurance company must approve it or your budget must allow for it (approximately $250.00). There is also the X-ray factor that, if given the choice, I’d rather choose a procedure more natural. At the time I didn’t know about UBDT testing being used all over the world.
UBDT is quick, comfortable, affordable and available. No doctor visits, no waiting for insurance approval. It requires less training so the cost is a tenth of the DXA, ranging from $20 to $45 typically. This way the scans can be done more frequently to keep track of what’s happening inside bones.
When bone density starts to decline, it can happen and be detected in a short 6 month time period. If we are on the 2 year DXA plan time schedule, this decline is missed and could prove detrimental in certain cases.
I recently met Dr. Ken Howayeck who brought this underutilized form of testing to my attention. He’s a distinguished podiatrist of 22 years. In June 2010 he lost his mother to complications of an Osteoporosis hip fracture. Now his mission is to simply educate the public on preventative ways to combat what could turn into a horrible life-threating disease.
Dr. Ken believes going out and testing everyone he can with the UBDT preventive method will help in his own way to turn the corner on this massive health challenge. Using education and awareness, he explains to the recipient the advantages of the test results. Based on his 22 years of practicing medicine he also will suggest natural methods of strengthening bones. When the body what it needs environmentally and internally, the body can heal. He will also point out when a scan needs immediate medical attention.
For more in formation, please see their sites:
We hope to see you!
***Saturday, April 7th, 1-3pm***
A fee of $20 per test will be collected by Dr. Howayeck
Florey's Book Co.
2120 Palmetto Ave.
Pacifica, CA 94044
(650) 355-8811
Open 10am to 6pm every day!