Florey's Book Co. is a family-owned independent bookstore located in Pacifica, CA. In business since 1977, we stock a wide variety of books for all ages and interests. We also have a section of used books . Come visit us! Your phone or email orders are welcome. Our hours are 10am-6pm, every day, until 8pm Fridays! Florey's Book Co. 2120 Palmetto Ave. Pacifica, CA 94044 (650) 355-8811 FloreysBookCo@yahoo.com
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Lit Wave 2012 Wrap-up Video!
Pacifica Currents host Edie Hovermale interviews guests Sue Beckmeyer and Gail Benjamin about the Pacifica LIT WAVE, a 3-day celebration of words (episode #230). Local authors, poets, storytellers and musicians are coming together across Pacifica for three days of creative festivities. There are events for the young and young at heart, in venues indoors and outside! All events are free and open to the public.